Thursday 25 April 2013

Monologue: Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato Monologue
Elizabeth Sholer
October 26th 2012
(Start on stage with music in the background)
 I am telling you before I leave just remember if you have ever gone through any of the things that I have such as Eating disorders, self image problems, self medicating, or bullying if you speak up about it something can be done. But if you feel like you are alone and no one cares just put on my music and know that  I will always be there for you.
(Put down the microphone and go to the other side of the stage for 1 to 1 conversation)
" Hi I'm Demi and you are? That is so cool my older sisters name is Dallas too. So how are you? That's great I am feeling the same way.( :) Shrug shoulders and do a slight huff) It's so cool that you have the support heart tattooed on your wrist I  think that you must be very caring. So how did you like the concert? Aww are you ok? Wow I can't believe that you have had that happen to you to. Yes I like my song Fix A Heart I think that a lot of people need time to heal. But when they aren't given the right amount of time they could just end up with a broken heart. I am so sorry that you have gone through the same things as me that is really sad. It was your Barbie that you threw on stage. Did you already know that I was  trying to be her my whole life but in the end I just ended up hurting myself and others around me. So would you like a photo with me? Ok here one second ok? Just come over here and we can get a photo together. Hey what's that on your other wrist? I am so sorry that you did that to yourself. As you know I used to cut myself, starve myself and do a whole lot of other things that weren't healthy for me to do. Here would you like me to sign the corner of the photo? Ok what color would you like me to sign in I have pink, blue, green, purple, and black. Oh can you hold on for a second? I think I also have silver. I found it. So did you choose what color you wanted? Ok. Oh thanks I like your dress too we are matching how did you know that I was going to be wearing this tonight? That is really nice that you are following me on twitter remind me to follow you back. Ok? Thank you for coming to the meet and greet it was really nice to meet you. Looks like I need to run we have to hit the road in 10 minutes. And don't forget that you are hurting yourself and  others when you do that ok? And please don't forget that I will always be there for you no matter what. Bye. Hope to see you again.
(Go back to other side of the stage and talk to guitar player)
Mike you should have been there you should have met her. She was like me but when I was her age. She even went through the things that I have which is very sad. But at least she was at this concert to hear my message to all of my hurting fans who try not to show it. I mean I know exactly what she has gone through because I have gone through the same things. I am still struggling with the suicidal thoughts and the eating disorder but at least she now knows that she is hurting herself internally and externally.  I told her that I hope to see her again sometime. Well I guess we better get to the bus before we have to leave.
(Exit from stage and end)

Novel: A Day In My Life Part 2

"That's all I remember so I'm guessing that someone called you and you came, got me, then brought me here where ever here is," I told my mom doctor Allison Cameron while looking up at her from the  hospital room bed.
            "Actually you just walked into the hospital about 10 minutes ago by yourself sweetheart. Then you asked for help and passed out on the floor of the emergency room. Are you ok?," she asked me while looking at my face with pain filled eyes. I had to think about the answer that I was going to give her I mean I wasn't going to tell her that I OD on Tylenol to try to kill myself. She would flip out about that answer and would make me get a psyche consult and have my stomach pumped. I decided to give a simple answer to her question and ask her one of my own.
            "Yes mom I think I'm fine . . . so where's Cheyanne? Did she come here or did she go to class?," I asked the question that almost destroyed my world with the answer that it received.
            "Your sister has uhh disappeared," my mom answered keeping her voice calm. Now I had about a million more questions that I wanted to ask her.
            "What do you mean disappeared mom? Why are you starting to tear up? Oww! Help! Help! Stop the pain! Make them stop hurting me!," I was yelling at the top of my lungs. My mom got up and tried to calm me down.
            "Sweetie sweetie calm down it's okay it's okay," my mom said while rubbing my arm to keep me calm. That's when one of my moms' co workers came into my room.
            "Hey one of the nurses paged me to come see what's wrong," she had said while the pain was beginning to get worse and worse.
            "Thirteen everything is fine I can handle it

Novel: A Day In My Life Part 1

A Day in My Life
            "My sister and I were out this morning! Sorry! Fine you got that? We're freaking sorry!" I yelled at the principal as he decided if what I was saying was just an excuse for why we weren't there for 1st period English with Mr. Bergman.
            "Fine but get to class because you have 20 minutes left of 2nd class," Christie said while trying to shoe us out of his  office. He probably wanted to get back to his napping that he got paid for. We got up to leave and I got dizzy. Finally the Tylenol was starting to kick in next would be un controllable pain.
            We were leaving the office when Cheyanne asked, "Are you ok Elizabeth?" Of course I wasn't really paying attention like I should have but yeah of course I was fine then.
            "Yeah I'm fine sis let's just get to class," I told her while walking past the front doors of the school. Then we turned into the atrium and started through to go to class. That's when I found my friends who invited me to go outside behind the school with them to be their look out so I did. There was no big risk I would have been taking. Not like it was my first time doing it. I went to come back in but then there was a fight that I tried to break up. It wasn't easy but  I think I did stop it in the end.

My Newest Unnamed Novel Part 2

"Are you OK Allison?", Dr. Sykes asks as I make my way over to her. Of course I'm ok I just don't want them to have a reason for hating me.
"Yeah I'm fine Dr. Sykes I'll be there in a minute", I reply to her question with a flat out statement that even a kindergarten student could have told her. When I get to her she leads me over to her office where all of the medical examinations happen. It has a door with no window but it's made of solid steel. Inside the room there is a desk, 2 chairs, and there is a examination bed that they have  at all doctor's offices but this one looks different it looks more like a gurney. 
"Allison I need you to sit on the bed you need a couple of vaccinations," Dr. Sykes says when we are in the room. In this room I feel claustrophobic like the walls are closing in and are slowly squeezing the air out of me. I also feel very nervous as if I showed up to school  in my PJ's on a uniform day. I climb up on the bed and realize I must be feeling what the others felt back all those years ago.
"I don't like needles do I have to get one?,"  ask while she gets them ready.
"Yes I'm sorry but you do," she says before she is cut off by another doctor who needs her help. I am glad until she says 'I'll be back I just need to deal with a patient'. I mean come on she isn't supposed to deal with them she is supposed to care for them. As soon as she leaves I am free to tell them all to shut up. That's when I see her for the first time. She is looking in the window with a little fox in her arms patting at her face with its' paws. She is young maybe 15 like me. The bright magenta hair startles me at first but then she is gone and Sykes is back...

My Newest Unnamed Novel Part 1

I stared at her. Her lips, hair, teeth, even her posture holding the bow and knew that my life was over. She was aiming it at my chest no way to survive that. I had no chance to get away from her but what could I do? Just run home? That's a 2 hour run at 100km/h. I was about to give up what else could I do? That's when I thought of a plan.
Chapter 1
"Hello I'm Linda," she had said all those years ago. Now it's me I'm the one in here now. They all thought she was crazy but I know the truth.
"Hey I'm Allison," I introduce myself to the group of freaks who do actually need to be here. When I say here I am talking about Blue Point Mental Hospital where everyone is crazy even the doctors. I am the only one person who isn't crazy in this whole place.
"Why have you been put in here Allison?," Dr. Sykes asks me while I stare into space trying to make the free floaters in the room disappear. Their scent and the grey translucence isn't usually the greatest way to start my living here.
"I am here because I see and talk to ghosts," I answer her question waiting for her to annoy me even more. Then we all are allowed to play the games set out. I hate ping pong. I wish they would let me have my laptop then I could do something I like DJ.
"Can I talk to you a minute Allison?," Dr. Sykes asks me while I am staring out the window wishing I could go outside and roll in the snow that fell yesterday.